Shipping & Refund FAQ

Shipping Policy

I ship using USPS Priority 2-3 Day shipping from Ashtabula, OH. As I am one person operation, I ship in batches weekly usually on Tuesdays and as late as Thursdays. This depends on the amount of orders received in a week, as I have a limit of how many plants I can pack to my quality standards in a day.  Every order received after the last shipping window and before Monday 6 P.M. will be shipped the following week barring the following. I do not do holds for any other reason than extreme weather events. 

1.) Extreme weather events, from hurricanes to blizzards. I will only ship plants if I feel there is a high likelihood they will make it. 

2.) Supply issues here at the nursery. While this is more rare, if enough orders come through in a particular week, I may have to delay orders until the next shipping window. Winter into Spring is the most likely time for this, due to heat packs and the potential for unexpected demand.

When temperatures drop below 40F during a particular shipping week, I'll ship every order with a hour heat pack. This is free to all customers during the winter months and is an extension of my Live Plant Guarantee. 


Damages and Refund Policy

I strongly believe in selling plants that I would want to receive myself. I send out plants that If your plant comes with damage beyond what is typical considered "shipping shock", I will refund the damaged plants and up to the entire order depending on the situation. If only one or two plants are damaged on a larger order, expect only the value of those plants to be refunded. The only step you need to do is contact me with a picture of the damage plant(s) and/or box within 48 hours of the delivered USPS tracking scan.

Shipping shock can take a variety of forms such as, blackened or dead leaves, no "dew", or small pieces of stray medium on the plant. At no point should the a plant look drastically different when shipped unless noted in the product description. While maturity and size of plants offered vary depending on time of year, you can reasonably expect a plant similar to what is in the product picture.

If you have questions about the state of your plants received, even outside the refund window, please contact me. I sincerely want everyone to have the best chance to succeed with these plants.